

A Supportive Community of Experts & Specialists.

Meet our team dedicated doctors, surgeons and cancer experts who work collaboratively with the Helen G. Nassif Community Cancer Center to help you win your fight against cancer.

Community Partners

I Know Jack Foundation

The mission of the I Know Jack Foundation is to raise funds to support the cancer patient and their families from diagnosis through survivorship. Our goal is to raise awareness about cancer, support those affected by cancer, assist with cancer research and improve the survivor’s quality of life.

The Aiming For A Cure Foundation

Aiming For A Cure Foundation

The Aiming For A Cure Foundation is built upon a foundation of committed people with a great passion to help children and their families that suffer from various forms of cancer.

Knitted Knockers

The mission of Knitted Knockers is to connect knitters and crocheters with breast cancer survivors to offer free knitted knockers. Knitted knockers are special handmade breast prosthesis for women who have undergone mastectomies or other procedures to the breast.

The Iowa Cancer Consortium

The Iowa Cancer Consortium (ICC) is a partnership of researchers, health care providers, faith-based organizations, public health professionals, caregivers, cancer survivors, volunteers, and many other Iowans who work together to reduce the burden of cancer in Iowa.

Gems of Hope

Gems of Hope is a nonprofit organization that offers gifts of jewelry mounted on inspirational cards to cancer patients. The patients are invited, along with family and friends, to attend workshops to create these works of art for others.

Chrome Divas, Inc.

Chrome Divas, Inc. is a ladies-only motorcycle organization, consisting of both riders and passengers and even some non-riding women who love motorcycles and participating in charity functions.

Strands of Strength

Strands of Strength (SOS) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide wigs free of charge to women suffering hair loss due to cancer treatment and in need of financial assistance. For information call the Nassif Cancer Center at (319) 558-4876.

Team Breast Friends

Team Breast Friends was founded by a group of Corridor women in 2008 to raise awareness about breast cancer and to help those affected by the disease. Since then, the group has raised and donated $500k to support local women and men going through breast cancer treatment, and to aid local families with cost of medical care.

American Cancer Society

For over 100 years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has worked relentlessly to save lives and create a world with less cancer. Together with millions of our supporters worldwide, we help people stay well and get well, find cures, and fight back against cancer.

Quality healthcare has its place

The Helen G. Nassif Community Cancer Center is proud to be a member of the MedQuarter Regional Medical District in downtown Cedar Rapids. Developed to serve as a central location where a variety of healthcare needs can be met for patients and their families. The MedQuarter also serves to create a vibrant local neighborhood, in turn being a catalyst for new businesses and local job growth.

To learn more about the medical services, history and future plans of the district, visit themedq.com