

Fighting Cancer Together

At the Helen G. Nassif Community Cancer Center we take a collaborative approach to cancer. From prevention, to treatment, to healing, your team is tailored to you and they are with you every step of the way, fighting cancer together. Watch below to see what sets us apart.

About the Nassif Community Cancer Center

The Nassif Community Cancer Center exists to provide a seamless transition for people who are diagnosed with cancer. The Nassif Community Cancer Center places the patient at the center of all we do.

Genetic testing to help you take steps toward prevention.

“Knowing gives us a little more power to take control over our own health versus just letting the chips fall where they may.”
Lenchen Raeside
Take our genetic testing questionnaire to see if you could benefit from genetic testing.

We are your “coach” in your fight against cancer.

“With this team, they were my coach they were the one’s trying to keep me up and keep me mentally in the game.”
Tony Dlouhy

Wellness programs to empower our patients.

“There’s a great link between exercise and physical and mental health, especially with someone who’s going through treatment and post-treatment.”
Matt Schmitz
Learn more about wellness programs at the Community Cancer Center.

Coordinated care that is focused on you.

We hope patients walk away knowing we care about them, we value their input, we see them as a person, we really do want to get to know them and that helps us give them the care we’d want our loved ones to have.