

Food Safety

Food safety is something that we should all be concerned about. This FDA Food Safety Newsletter is a good review for any of us who cook for ourselves or loved ones. You can keep it on your refrigerator as a reminder!

The Nassif Community Cancer Center has two part-time dietitians (Beth and Mary Beth) and we are always glad to answer food-related questions.

Our contact info is:

Beth Beckett-Certified Oncology Dietitian (usual schedule is M,T, W, Th)

Beth Email (319) 369-8027
(319) 369-8027










Mary Beth Peiffer- Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator (usual schedule is M, T, Th, Fri)

Name Email Phone
Mary Beth

(319) 369-8255

Iowa State University Extension is a great resource and they don’t just answer food or nutrition questions. AnswerLine provides information and resources for Iowa consumers with home and family questions for more than 40 years.

Call us toll-free Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – noon and 1 – 4 p.m.

  • 1-800-262-3804 (in Iowa)
  • 1-800-854-1678 (in Minnesota)
  • 1-888-393-6336 (in South Dakota)
  • 1-800-735-2942 (Relay Iowa phone linkage for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals
Professional consumer and family scientists answer questions about:
  • nutrition
  • textiles
  • laundry





Anti-Cancer Recipes