

Survivor’s Month: “Find Your Inner Spirit”

Survivor's Month

June was Survivor’s Month at the Helen G. Nassif Community Cancer Center. All month long, survivors shared the names of people who supported and inspired them throughout their cancer journey – their “Shining Stars.” Cancer survivor, Vicki Hrdlicka, had several shining stars to thank, and wanted to share with us all:

From Vicki:

Sometimes you don’t realize who the special people are in your life, until later in life.

I was adopted as a baby and my mom had a very strong inner spirit which allowed her to deal with a variety of life challenges. By being with her and watching her, I think she passed at least some of that down to me. Thanks, mom.

I had a challenge and my friends and family were there for me immediately. There was no need for me to ask, they just said, ‘let me take care of it,’ ‘I’ll take you,’ ‘what are you hungry for?’ ‘we’ll go with you’ and ‘you’re in my prayers.’ Thanks, Annamae, Luey, Jayne and Bernita.

My littlest blessing was my eight-year-old great granddaughter, Lauren. Her first response was ‘what will I do without you?’ We talked about it and then she brought me a little pink ring that said ‘LOVE’ and advised me that ‘It’ll be OK.’ I am still wearing that ring today, and things are still OK.

So, if you are reading this, cancer was a page in my life that was rather scary, but also let me experience the generous love and kindness of those around me. I hope if you are dealing with a challenge, you find your inner spirit and it is strengthened by the love and kindness shown to you by those around you.


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