

Introducing: Healing Energy Work

Healing Energy Work

The Helen G. Nassif Community Cancer Center is excited to introduce Healing Energy Work as part of its Integrative Wellness Program in 2019.  Healing Energy Work blends the technology of modern medicine with the gentle regeneration of compassionate healing. The healer channels positive energy to the patients, activating their natural healing process.

Healing Energy Work transcends cultures, faiths and beliefs. Its gentle touch is a respite for cancer patients, survivors and caregivers. The Healing Energy Worker will use her expertise in Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry, Integrative Energy Therapy, Reiki, and Veriditas Labyrinth as a complement to modern medical treatments, allowing patients and caregivers to receive a calming, healing benefit.  We invite you to experience the complementary benefits of a healing presence as you navigate this journey of restoration.

Marion Patterson will be joining the Community Cancer Center team in February as a Healing Energy Worker. Healing Energy Work is available to all cancer patients, survivors and caregivers at a rate of $40 per session. For more information or to schedule an appointment call (319) 558-4876.


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