

Nassif Radiation Center Team Members Receive Guardian Angel Recognition

A patient at the Nassif Radiation Center wanted to do something special to recognize and thank their exceptional caregivers.

Guardian Angel Recipients:

  • Andrea Watkinson, manager – clinical services
  • Mary Beth Peiffer, oncology dietitian
  • Kelli McAfee, RN
  • Auburn Drewelow, radiation therapist
  • Joan Huggins, medical secretary
  • Mike Messer, radiation therapist
  • Nicole Hoffman, radiation therapist
  • Amy Bean, RN

Here’s what the patient had to say:

Thank you for all my wonderful care. I am so grateful for all you did for me to make me feel special and for being attentive to my needs as a patient. It is an honorable profession to come alongside someone and improve their well-being. Thank you for the sparkling grape juice – we had friends over and celebrated when my treatment was through and we all enjoyed a glass!

I am also thankful for the care package given to me during my time at the Radiation Center – the self-care products helped get me through some of the nausea and other side effects that come with radiation. I have strong faith and want everyone, as I did, to go thrive and flourish where you are!

Thank you guardian angels!

The Guardian Angel program gives patients and families the opportunity to make a donation in appreciation of a Community Cancer Center team member that made a difference in their healthcare experience.


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