

Sexual Health Online Research Study for Breast Cancer Survivors

Healthy Sexuality

If you are a breast cancer survivor and have sexual concerns, like pain during sex, trouble with orgasm, or
less desire for sex, you may be able to join the online SHINE (Sexual Health & Intimacy Enhancement) study.

SHINE Study Participants:

  • Receive online education about sexual health after breast cancer
  • Can earn up to $125

To learn more, contact Alicia Lidtke, clinical research coordinator at the Nassif Community Cancer Center, at (319) 369-7775 or email

Visit the study site at

This study is a Wake Forest NCORP Research Base Study (WF-2202) supported by public funding from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH); grant #: R37CA269776


Anti-Cancer Recipes